no matter how much water i drink,
end up it evaporate the next minute...
what to do?
just came back from Penang yesterday,
going there for my lover~!
he bought me a platinum necklace~!
the costly present that i ever have...
thank you so much!
we spent our whole day in Penang since we did not meet each other for almost 1 month.
going to the cinema for MIB (Men in Black)!
Will Smith is so handsome wey! <3
it seemed that someone is not much like i join Rela,
and he owed Rela a bias...
i'm not going to explained anything,
i'm not going to stopped joining Rela,
as this is what i wish and i hope to do few years ago,
my dear lover,
can't you considerate my feeling or decision?
let's said you mentioned about something like girl shouldn't join Rela or Rela group don't have girl,
click the link for the picture...
girls could join Rela too and i wonder why not?
i understand what you worry about,
but stop against Rela.
i don't like it everytime i scold vulgar words or talk something you don't understand,
then you linked it with Rela,
blame that Rela members cause me become a stranger to you.
there is nothing to do with Rela.
you know that i scold vulgar and talk nonsense since before until now,
it isn't happened after i joined Rela.
tell me how would you feel if i keep on blaming you always work and work and work and don't give some time to take concern about me? You have to work and support your family and of course, your future education fees, but im kinda ignoring your feeling and keep complaining, you felt innocent, didn't you?
same to Rela, you keep linked them with some unnecessary charges, how would i feel? i'm one of them. Stop criticize before you really know how we behaved ourselves.I feel so happy every time i helped those who needs help. This is my feeling, my mission in my personal spare time. As i said before, never compare UKK with other Rela, cause we're totally not same at all. You won't found that we're wearing short pants while carrying out our duty. You won't found that we'll take revenge on the !@#$ group cause they're intend to destroy and hack our walkie talkie due to jealousy. We don't do all these shit things. This is what i mean we're different from other Rela! WE ARE DISCIPLINED
if you're still in doubt,
don't hesitate to ask me face by face rather than you keep imbue yourself with some not of fact...
p/s: and i will laugh until die if you worry about i will "pikat" by other Rela members, cause of your words "没有女生像你这样进rela" , then i might help you finish the whole sentence which is "没有女生像你这样进rela,万一你被人追去怎么办?" hahaha! correct? this is what you worry about? that's why you keep on criticize rela? come on...tell me im right... :D

"never stop running until you reach the destination, same to life, never stop working until you reach the top" by: Veeky
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